Tech titans who wont leave their fortune to their kids
Take a look at Tech titans who wont leave their fortune to their kids
#8. Google CEO Larry Page
Google CEO Larry Page, on the other hand, has a somewhat unique idea for what he would like to happen to his wealth. In March, he told Charlie Rose that instead of giving his billions to his two children, he would rather give it to entrepreneurs like Elon Musk, who are coming up with big ideas to change the world. "(Musk) wants to go to Mars. That's a worthy goal," he said. "We have a lot of employees at Google who've become pretty wealthy.
#7. Tesla CEO Elon Musk
Elon Musk may have five young boys from his first marriage - one set of twins and one set of triplets - but he has already donated much of his fortune to renewable energy, science and engineering education, and pediatric health. He signed the Giving Pledge in 2012, committing to donate the majority of his wealth to charitable causes. He receives only $1 a year for his work with Tesla.
#6. Intel co-founder Gordon Moore
Gordon Moore has given away more than $1 billion to charitable causes, donating about half of his wealth to create the Moore Foundation in 2001. The foundation, which focuses on issues of environmental conservation, health measures, and the San Francisco community, currently has more than $5 billion in assets. "We are pleased to be a part of the Giving Pledge not only because we are able to commit these funds, but because we believe they can lead to real learning and measurable change," they said.
#5. EBay founder Pierre Omidyar
Ebay Omidyar and wife Pam are some of the most generous people in tech, having given away more than $1 billion of the vast fortune they made when eBay went public in 1998. "In 2001, I publicly stated that we intend to give away the vast majority of our wealth during our lifetime," the couple said in their pledge letter. We have more money than our family will ever need. There's no need to hold onto it when it can be put to use today, to help solve some of the world's most intractable problems." They have also donated eBay shares to the Omidyar Network, their philanthropic investment firm, and are the single biggest private donors in the fight against human trafficking.
#4. Qualcomm founder Irwin Jacobs
Together with wife Joan, Irwin Jacobs has given away some $500 million of his fortune to charitable causes that include the Cornell Tech Roosevelt Island campus, MIT fellowships, and the San Diego Symphony. He has also signed the Giving Pledge, promising to give away at least half of the billions he made with the electronics firm he founded. Though his son, Paul, now serves as CEO of Qualcomm, his 1.5 million shares are no comparison to his fathers 26 million shares.
#3. Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff
Marc Benioff recently launched a campaign called SF Gives, which challenged tech companies to raise $10 million for San Francisco-based nonprofit programmes in just 60 days. He has encouraged other corporations to follow his 1/1/1 model, which says that a company should donate 1% of its equity, 1% of its employees time, and 1% of its resources to philanthropic efforts. He and wife Lynne have also personally given a total of $200 million to the children's hospital at UCSF.
#2. AOL co-founder Steve Case
Steve Case helped millions of Americans get online, and now he is donating much of his wealth to developing other technologies. He founded the Case Foundation in 1997, which focuses on using technology to make philanthropy more effective. He also started an investment firm called Revolution, which invests in startups outside of Silicon Valley, and signed the Giving Pledge. "We share the view that those to whom much is given, much is expected. "We do not believe our assets are ours but rather we try to be the responsible stewards of these resources."
#1. Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates
Bill Gates has been open about his decision not to leave his $78 billion fortune to his three children. They will reportedly inherit just a small slice, about $10 million each. "I definitely think leaving kids massive amounts of money is not a favour to them," he said in a Reddit AMA in February. He founded the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in 1994, and it currently has more than $36 billion in assets. Gates also teamed up with longtime friend Warren Buffett to start a campaign called "The Giving Pledge," which encourages other billionaires to donate at least half of their fortune to charity.
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