How to earn money online quickly?


1.Flip domain names.

Domain names are valuable internet real estate and some people actually make a nice living off of buying and selling them. One strategy istouse Google Adwords to find keywords that are trending and use that information tobuy domain names that you think may soon be in demand.  However, since short, snappy, or straight forward domain names have already been mostly snatched up, you can also get lucky buying domain names that are random acronyms, as you never know when a person or company with those exact initials will decidetoset up a website. (, for example, sold for over$200,000 when Contract Pharmaceutical Corporation decided to go online.Not bad for three letters.) For more advice, readHowtoBuy a Cheap Domain Name

2. Do online survey

Online surveys won’t earn you much apiece, but they don’t eat up much time either and can add up when you need cash in a pinch. Read How to Make Money with FreeOnlineSurveysfor more advice.

3.Transcribe audio.

Websites are getting better and better about providing written transcripts for the hearing impaired, meaning that transcriber jobs pop up fairly regularly. Transcribing is generally low paying but is also easy,fast, and doesn’t require much commitment. Check eLance or oDesk for current transcription postings.

4.Edit audio

If you have and knowhowtouse sound-editing software, you can clean up webcasts and interviews before they goonline. Again, look at a site like eLance or oDesk for opportunities.

5.Enter contests

Since you won’t get paid unless your entry wins, search for a wide range offer contests in a field where you’re already have a lot of possible entries (ex. photos, logo-making, background design) and submit your worktoas many places as will have you. It might take a daytoget through all of them, but even a few small successes (or, preferably, a great big one) will make up for it. The experience might even steer you in a new creative direction.


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