Luxury apartments on wheels may keep you from ever going home

If rolling luxury is the only way you'll travel on the ground, high-end motor homes are the answer -- as long as you can write a big check. Prevost is a premier brand associated with luxury motor homes, but you won't find one on RVTrader that isn't associated with another brand name. The posh motor home we're looking at, for example, is the Prevost-based Emerald Luxury Coach No. 5389.

Here's the deal with Prevost, which is a division of Volvo Bus Company. Prevost builds and sells upscale motor coaches, but not finished motor homes. Prevost builds motor home coaches including the power train and all the mechanical work from the chassis up. A select list of converters then finishes the interior and amenities. Emerald Luxury Coaches is one of five motor home converters currently recommended on the Prevost website.

You can buy new Prevost Emerald Luxury Coaches already finished, such as No. 5389. However, if you want to create a custom rig, here's how Prevost describes it, "The process of creating a motor home to ideally suit your needs and desires begins with a collaboration involving you, Prevost and our converter partner that you choose.

"We work with our converters to ensure that the structure and the floor plan that we build will fit not only with your needs but also theirs in terms of conversion procedures and content. This support and service, provided while making your motor home perfect for you, is just the beginning of our long-term association with you, the Prevost owner."

Sounds pretty sweet, right? When the checkbook comes out, however, leave a lot of space on the amount lines. Prices for brand new Prevost-based motor homes vary by the converter and the finishing and amenities you choose. Figure somewhere in the ballpark of $1.5 to $2.5 million and you'll have a lot of leeway in your choices. While we don't know the exact pricing structure, it's conceivable you can go quite a bit north of the higher number, but you have to draw the line somewhere.

Prevost has two 45-foot long motor home coaches. The H3-45 VIP is the taller of the two, at 149 inches and its 497 cubic feet of underfloor storage space is larger. The X3-45 VIP, the coach the Emerald No. 5389 is built on, has more interior headroom but at 141 inches, less overall height, which can help with handling and getting into low-clearance spots. The X3-45 VIP also has a longer wheelbase. There's not as much underside storage space (433 square feet) with the X3-45 VIP, but it has a wider 30-inch entrance door and fewer and lower steps, which makes it easier to get in and out.

In each case, the standard Prevost coaches have loads of standard equipment with an equally long list of options, including up to four factory slide-outs to increase the coach's interior width. As you can see from the images, the Emerald Luxury Coach No. 5389 is set up for sleeping two people with plenty of space for entertaining. If you're building from scratch within the 45-foot standard length, there are plenty of ways to adapt the coach for sleeping more people. Top entertainers on the road often set up Prevost-based motor homes to handle several of their group.

Whether you're an actual rock star or a success in some other lifestyle, if you're thinking about riding and staying in your own luxurious digs while you move around the country, this is the way to go.


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